
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

This week has been amazing being able to rest and relax with family. I enjoyed my birthday as well as fourth of July at the good old Avon Beach, N.C. WAYYYY on the east coast! I am sick right now, healing, but definately recognizing the enemy and that he wants to kill, steal, and destroy all God is about to do. God has the victory already!

It has been so long since I have posted a new blog. I do feel I need to be writing about this next journey the Lord has placed me on. I am leaving for L.A. this Saturday and I will be doing short term missions with a close friend, Amber (Aultman) Daniel. We have heard the Lord's voice separately about making this trip, and are so excited to what He will reveal together.

The main reason the Lord has put this trip on my heart is to learn and gain knowledge, as well as wisdom about how I can specifically be helping sex-trafficked victims. Last summer I was in Haiti and was able to minister to women in a brothel. That was one of my favorite moments. To share the Love of Christ with those broken women. Since coming back home, and learning about modern day slavery here in America, and worldwide in trafficking through YWAM, my heart grew towards justice. I want to bring justice to the nations. I want to free the captives. I know I am not the one to do that. Jesus HAS made the way, and He loves justice. I am only a tool to share Him.

Well, today I found out that you have to be 21 to serve in the Project Hope ministry in L.A. I got frustrated immediately because I know God is calling me there, and my emotions just took over my thoughts. Thankfully my dad said "God will make it happen". Than the word popped up in my heart "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways awknowledge me and I will make your paths straight" (Prov. 3:5-6)I know God's promises are true,but we have to obey the Word, do our part to not only read and listen but DO. The Holy Spirit was using my thoughts in reminding me the only way to be prepared for this trip was through the word. Being taught by the TRUE Teacher. So, my family and I went to the beach and I soaked in some truth in Proverbs and God revealed SO MUCH to me! Thank GOD! After that, in a matter of hours, Amber and I got an email saying it has been cleared for me to go to a Project Hope meeting. GOD IS SO GOOD! Once you obey, His promises are TRUE. His promises are true no matter whether we obey or not, but if we want the effects of His promises, we need to obey. God is SO AWESOME! He loves those who love Him and who seek Him, find HiM! Praise God!

So with all that being said, Amber and I are aware that we will hit obstacles. The joy of it all is that our God is with us and Our God goes BEFORE us! He is a true God and He loves His children. God moves mountains. Keep us in your prayers as we travel, and pray for our hearts, minds, soul's, and strength's. If God puts anything on ur heart, send it to us! I thank you all for being a part of this God filled journey! Stay tuned for more updates, coming soon!


1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful representation of the hands and feet of Christ. It takes a very special person to reach out and connect to the sexually abused who have endured horrors beyond imagine. I know that God will be using you in a Mighty way, Praying for you.
