
Sunday, July 10, 2011

This is a step up to walk tall.

Today was the first full day in L.A. Yesterday was a little overwhelming. Going from the east coast to the west coast, it is so different! The flights were both very good!It took about 5 1/2 hours flying with an hour layover in Dallas, TX. We got some good old Texas BBQ for lunch, so good! On the flights, my time was spent worshiping with my ipod, soaking up the Word, and admiring God's beautiful creations! Amber and I were able to get some good dinner at FarmerBoys. It was delicious, but the prices were a little higher than I expected. Good thing Subway is still the same! $5.00 footlongs! haha.

After the flight, we grabbed our baggage and headed to get our car. It is a very nice pontiac G6. I dont really know much about cars, but it is very nice. We decided to get to our hotel and than ride around and see where the Dream Center is located and our surroundings. When we checked into our hotel, it was not what we expected. I was expecting something a little nicer inside our room. The beds are the best part. The bathroom is the worst part. (If you want more details or another view check out Amber's blog:

Well, after we were a bit taken back, we decided to go out and that was when we got dinner at FarmerBoys. Than we got in our black Pontiac (it starts by itself on the keychain, sweet right?) and drove to the Dream Center Building. The building was closed but it was good to see where it was and walk around a little. After driving towards the hotel, we saw a huge event going on, and of course we were curious! It was the Lotus Festival, they had everything from snow cones, soy milk samples, baby chickens to hold, a snake (WHICH I HAD AROUND MY NECK!), parrots, many of performances of dances (breakdance, philipino dance, thailand dance, and more!), jewelry, and more! It ended up being the 33rd Celebration, so cool! The reason they create the festival is to celebrate and honor Asian and Pacific Islander communities in Southern California. There are so many cultures here. I love it! Amber and I got some really cool earrings for a great deal.

So Today...was sooo great! We went to the church service this morning. The message was personal to me. It was about walking tall, meaning pushing aside every hinderance that causes you to not live up to what God says you are no matter what circumstance comes your way. Already, I was getting convicted for my bad attitude and complaining about the hotel. God was showing me He is providing for my every need and will. I cannot forget that He is going before me. Oh wow, just realized why I was impressed with the reading in Dueteronomy on the way here, I cannot forget as the Israelites did what God has done. I need to continue to glorify Him, give Him praise in everything! Yes, the Lord is good!...At the end of the service those who wanted to commit to walk tall could get a block of wood to remind them to walk tall. On that block of wood you would write the promises of God you need to remember, or the things your going to push aside in order to walk tall. That was my favorite part of today, so I made the title, "This is a step up to walk tall". Thank goodness God hears our cries and prayers! Thank Him, because God disciplines His children! His desire is to bring us closer to Him in everything. God I want to see you for who you are! That my view would be soley on you and all else doesn't matter, for you are constant!

Stay tuned for more! ahhhh God is firing us up! Pictures will be coming soon! <3

1 comment:

  1. :) How funny :) SO glad you had a great day and the Spirit is firing you up!

    Guess what we talked about in CK yesterday? GRUMBLING and COMPLAINING! How God continually provided but the Israelites continued to whine.

    Decided that everytime I go to grumble this week, I will replace it with a thankful word.

    Love you Beebsie! Have an awesome Monday! Don't stop blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and YES, PICTURES!!! of you and that snake :x Bllllll!
