
Monday, June 14, 2010

POUR down

The Lord has sent rain to Hawaii, right now as I am typing. It has not poured like this in a while, I have heard. It is coming down pretty fierce. =] After spending time in the prayer room reading a bit of Nehemiah. The Lord has told me to rebuild Haiti. Rebuild their hearts for God and their country for God. To rebuild their schools, their religion, all of Haiti. =] Well it started sprinkling and I went to my room at that point.

My roommate asked me if I wanted to go play in the rain, she didn't even finish her sentence and we both put on some clothes to get wet in! =] Take up this opportunity we won't have for the next 3 months, nice, cool rain on our skin! While we were splashing and laughing we made our way to the fountain and Emily started walking around the fountain on the blue tiles...she said the wall of Jerico and the next thing you know we are marching around 7 times declaring restoration of rebuilding Haiti. Jerico is found in Joshua, where the Lord had led me earlier in study in His word. God is so good. The Holy Spirit truly unites each follower of Christ through love. It is so cool. =D I know I will sleep well tonight, it is still raining, but no longer POURING. =] Thank you Lord.

"but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name." Nehemiah 1:9

"But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. There fore you did not desert them..." Nehemiah 9:17

Haiti is the Lord's.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Has it really been 9 weeks already!?

Woahhh. God has been so good. Here my life is changing. My mind is being transformed by a new way of thinking. I have not experienced the Lord like I have here in my life. I love to people watch, and especially here because when I see that true passion, it makes me want to dive deeper in my intimacy with the Lord.

I know it has been a while since I have written or updated my blog. Time has never flown by so fast in my life as it is now. Thank the Lord I am spending it with Him!!! Haiti is in 18 days! I still need outreach money. Over 1,000 dollars left to raise. If I cannot raise my money, I have to go home and not complete the DTS. Outreach is part of the 6 month DTS. I have complete belief that the Lord is going to provide the money. It is His money, and the Lord is just giving me peace. I know He takes care of my EVERY need. Phil. 4:19! A couple weeks ago, the Lord sent a little 5 year old girl, named Ariel, to come and ask if she could pray for me. Her mother told me she wants to pray for money. That child has no idea that I needed money, but the Lord gave her insight, and her faith (faith comes from hearing, and she definately heard the Lord) influenced my faith! I love how the Lord knows the desires of our heart, and loves to delight in us. A child coming to pray for me completely humbled me. Lord, you are good and your mercies endure forever!

Out of several things, one thing the Lord is teaching me is my family's importance in my life. I was blessed with AMAZING parents. They sought after the Lord, and raised me in the word, to be not of this world. Teach a child in the way he should go and he shall not depart from it. So true! My sisters, both super loving to me. Thank you Lord for my family, pour out your favor and blessings on them Jesus.

I love you all and miss everyone back home in a healthy way, haha, I can't express how much it means to me to know you all are by my side through this journey!