
Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last weekend we had our DTS retreat! We got to get away from base, and just PhotogenX headed to Makapala! It was about an hour and a half away I think? Anyways, we took a school bus alllll the way there, the wind wacking the girls hair in our faces, and even more than just our own face! haha. It was a windy ride, that's for sure! Once we got there, guys got their room, and ladies got our room! There are only 11 guys in our whole DTS, and over 40 girls! Guys got a room with nothing, and girls got 2 rooms FILLED with bunk beds! We almost made an "Annie" video! So the guys grabbed the beds that were left over to sleep on in the room where we met for worship/prayer/and meetings. That first night we had an AWESOME bonfire! S'mores! That was a treat, back at the base they never serve dessert! The stars were amazing. It seemed so fake like I was in an IMAX theater! The second night we were there, Nate and I saw 4 shooting stars! The Lord is soo good to us, the first night I was asking the Lord for one, but I waited and the second night He shot 4 for us! It's so relaxing to just rest in God's presence and admire His creations. I encourage you to do that, whoever is reading this, just to take a 10 min. break and relax, get everything off of your mind and sit back and let all your senses have a party!

It's funny, in Hawaii it really depends WHERE you are because the weather is different wherever you go! At Makapala the air was so much clearer, and at night it was actually cold to me. I loved it! The second morning I woke up and when I walked outside our door this overwhelming hapiness came over my Spirit. The Love of the Lord was just being drenched on me! As I kept walking I realized the weather reminded me of Costa Rica! =] Beautiful beautiful. =] ahhh It rained a few times we were there, but just for a bit it would come and go.

Saturday we had a choice to go hiking. Of course, I chose to go! I ended up super sore! It was a good hike, all the way down, but back up, we had to climb uphill. We saw a dead whale washed up on the shore, it was dug into the sand by now. The stench was gross! You knew something DIED hahah! There were also 2 made huts on the shore. There were some people who made tower stones. They looked pretty cool! After sweating like crazy, we got back on the bus to ride back to the campsite. Dinner prep was my work duty. We have speggeti and sauce with chicken and salad! Boy that was some work. 2 of my friends were cutting off fat of the chicken for 2 and a half hours! I never saw that much fat, and that many bags of chicken!

Our staff came along, which was AWESOME! We played a game of ultimate frisbee! Loved that, it makes me feel not too out of the loop since we play back home every sunday! =] Well I hope you enjoy these pictures. God blessed us with an awesome weekend with relaxation!

Can't get enough

Two days ago started a 48 hr. of prayer here. It's optional, but Tuesday was awesome. We are celebrating Pentecost. "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. The saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Acts 2:1-4 "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy...And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Acts 2:17-21

It was an awesome time of prayer and worship on tuesday, and is still going on. It's super cool to be in there for hours and time flies by when your in the precence of your God. He truly does make known the paths of life and fills me with joy in His presence. (Acts 2:28 and Psalm 16:11)

The Holy Spirit is so powerful. Some don't give enough credit to that part of the Godhead. Sometimes we forget He is there! How could we! He allows us to worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH! =] This picture shows what face you make when the joy of the Lord fills you up! =]