
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Marie "Angel"

YAYYY! Today was our first day of serving! We got our schedule for the week and got a tour of the Dream Center. I am so excited for ministry! We went to 3 different locations and fed the homeless today. The ministry is called "Under the Bridge". We served the food, or talked with/prayed with them. I loved getting on a personal level with those I met. It opened up my eyes to how easily we judge them and the worth of who they are just because they are on the street with little of anything. I always knew they were real people, but never acknowledged the fact that they were to spend time with them outside of church. I met this lady named Marie "Angel". I had met her on the block down from where we were giving out the food in Skid Row, LA. She refused to walk down there because of the other homeless people who were down there, but she wanted food. We asked if we could pray for her and she replied with "no I just want some food". So the group I was with walked back down to where we were serving the food and got 2 plates of spaghetti and pizza with 2 cups of water. One was for her "mom" who was her aunt, if I can remember correctly, and the other was for Marie. After we had handed them the food, they each immediately opened up to someone who would listen. This is where I got to know Marie a little better. As she cried, looking into my eyes, telling me about her days and nights on the streets I did not know how to respond but to listen. There were a few moments where I was able to encourage her. She knew her only hope was Jesus, and she does know where her true eternal home is. I will continue to pray for her and I ask you would pray as well. There are homeless everywhere in L.A. I have never seen so many.

Last Sunday night before any ministry, Amber and I went to McDonalds and we saw a homeless man. His name was Al, we got to ask him what he wanted and he responded with "2 apple pies and an iced coffee". I loved that we asked what Al wanted because I am glad we didn't just get something random that he didn’t want or prefer. I wanted him to really see we cared about the details. When we got the food, we decided to park and ask him if we could pray for him. He took a 5 sec. pause and then agreed. It was great to bless him physically and verbally.
Now that I have covered today and Sunday, I have some pics to fill you in on Monday. Amber and I went to the huge Market that connected to an outdoor/indoor mall. Then we spent some time at Santa Monica beach. The beach was packed and the water was FREEZING! Amber and I decided to go in after contemplating it for a bit. The waves crashed way before they got to us, perfect for boogie boarding, and we went numb after the first minute!

The reason I signed up for short term missions at the Dream Center was for one main reason. They have a new ministry called Project Hope. I wanted to be able to learn from them, make connections and get contacts. I believe the Lord has called me to a ministry somewhere to help sex-trafficked victims. The Project Hope ministry is having a meeting this Saturday and we will be attending, praise God! The Lord has already hooked me up with one connection and it was totally on God’s random timing. The man who led the “Under the Bridge” ministry, Mickey, asked if I needed prayer jokingly and I said I would love prayer anytime. He said alright come up here, and so I was like are u being for real? He said yeah if you want prayer, and I said sure! Then all the women in our group gathered around me and a women named Shelley, that Amber and I met (who is also interested in the Project Hope), prayed for me. Shelley knew I was also at the Dream Center to know more about Project Hope. While Mikey was standing there, praying as well, he immediately afterwards gave me a hook up. I’m planning on getting together with him and making contacts in London. Thank the Lord, He goes ahead. This morning I was worrying about the schedule and how vague it was, and how there is not anything on Project Hope, but I need to TRUST in God’s promises. It is so crazy how easy it is to forget God’s promises throughout the day. I understand why it’s important to meditate day and night, maybe even hourly! However often you may need it.

Thank you for all your support. Without your prayers and donations I would not be here. Love you all!


1. against the Enemy
2. vision
3. Love to cover all
4. continued opportunities and open doors
5. anything the Spirit leads you to pray for!!


  1. This is exciting! God is alltogether lovely! Go God, go baby!

  2. I LoooOOOooove what God is doing! How truly great is He. You inspire me:) Go girls go...Go Jesus go through YOU!!! "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has PROMISED." Hebrews 10:35-37

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this! I love how God is providing and how you and Amber are stepping out in obedience. Thanks for allowing us to be observers to it through your blog. Praying for God's blessing on all you do and a hedge of protection around you all the entire time. Much love! Rock on for Jesus!!
